Department history

In 1868, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign became one of the first institutions of higher learning in the United States to offer a course in landscape design. The timeline below presents highlights from our long and distinguished history.



Year Event
1868 A course in "landscape gardening" is first offered at the University of Illinois, one year after the institution's founding.
1869 A course in "the management and care of gardens, hot beds, orchards, tree plantations and ornamental grounds" is added to the catalog of offerings. Like the course on "landscape gardening," it is taught by Dr. Thomas Burrill, Head of Botany.
1871 "Garden Architecture" is added to the course catalog.
1896 Joseph Cullen (J.C.) Blair comes to the University of Illinois from Cornell. Although his primary interest is in horticulture, his interest in landscape architecture leads to the initiation of professional courses in that field—and, later, city planning.
1904 Blair brings Alanson Phelps (A.P.) Wyman to Illinois to offer lectures in landscape gardening. After graduating from Cornell (BS in Agriculture, 1897), Wyman took courses in architecture, landscape design, and engineering at MIT (1902-1904) and had worked for O.C. Simonds, the Olmsted Brothers, and Charles Platt.
1907 The professional curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Landscape Gardening (BSLG) is established by Blair and Wyman.
1911 Hugh Imlay and Charles S. LeSure are the first two students to earn the Bachelor of Science in Landscape Gardening degree.
1912 The Division of Landscape Architecture is created in the Department of Horticulture, and a discipline specific library is established. Ralph Rodney Root is appointed as an Instructor.
1913 Root is promoted to Assistant Professor in charge of the Division of Landscape Architecture.
1914 Root and Charles Faben Kelley, an art professor at Ohio State, publish the textbook Design in Landscape Gardening.
1915 BSLG student Florence Yoch becomes the first woman to graduate from the Division of Landscape Architecture.
1916 The first students graduate with a BS in Landscape Architecture.
1918 Two of the first women admitted to the Division of Landscape Architecture program, May Elizabeth (Betty) McAdams (BSLA 1916) and Jean Ripley Johnson (BSLG 1919), are appointed as teaching associates. McAdams teaches in the program until 1928, then returns to Chicago to establish her own practice. She serves as Landscape Architect for the Chicago Park District (1935-1947) and is elected a Fellow of ASLA in 1955.
1926 Florence Bell Robinson joins the faculty as its first female member. Robinson eventually became the first woman tenured in the department and the first female professor tenured at any accredited school of landscape architecture.



Year Event
1929 Illinois is one of the first eight schools recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects as meeting its standards for accreditation.
1929 Beatrice Horneman graduates with a BS in Landscape Architecture. Horneman eventually becomes Chief Planner for the U.S. Public Housing Administration and a landscape architect at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) from the mid-1950s through the 1960s.
1931 The Division of Landscape Architecture is reorganized as a Department in the newly formed College of Fine and Applied Arts.
1945 The graduate program in Landscape Architecture is established.
1950 The first master’s-level degree in Landscape Architecture is awarded to Charles Stephen Schuster.
1950 The Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellowship in Landscape Architecture is established to support international travel and study by students.
1954 The Department is renamed the Department of City Planning and Landscape Architecture. The Bureau of Community Planning (established in 1934) is incorporated into the new departmental structure.
1955 Louis Wetmore is named Head, and the Department is organized into two divisions: Landscape Architecture and City Planning.
1958 The last BS in Landscape Operations is awarded.

Knowledge and growth

Knowledge and growth

Year Event
1965 The Department of Landscape Architecture is given separate status, with William Carnes as Chair.
1968 The undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Landscape Architecture degree is redesignated a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree.
1970 Department leadership is reclassified as a headship, and Robert Riley becomes Department Head.
1971 The graduate program is expanded and directed toward two areas of emphasis: regional design and design-behavior interactions.
1973 A major expansion of physical facilities more than doubles the usable space available to the Department.
1975 An evaluation of the undergraduate curriculum results in restructuring and re-sequencing while maintaining the four year/128 credit-hour structure.
1982 Hideo Sasaki (BFA in Landscape Architecture, 1946) receives an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Illinois.

Technology and collaboration

Technology and collaboration

Year Event
1982-84 The Department invests much energy and many resources in computer-based design education, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, becoming one of the leading schools in the country experimenting in that field.
1983 The first Sasaki Lecture is delivered by Charles Harris.
1984 The Department receives an equipment grant from IBM and develop a plan for integrating computers into design education.
1985 Vincent J. Bellafiore becomes Department Head and expands the program to include significant opportunities for study abroad.
1986 The Imaging Systems Laboratory is established and developed.
1986 The Department Resource Committee is formed.
1987 The 80th anniversary of the department is celebrated with the creation of an annual lecture series and department charrette.
1987 The Ecology Laboratory—later known as the Land Resources Laboratory—is developed.
1989 The first Alumni Undergraduate Scholarship of Merit is awarded.
1990 The first Kluesing Prize is awarded to a student for achievement in the integration of art and landscape.
1990 The Geographic Modeling Systems Laboratory is developed in cooperation with the Departments of Urban and Regional Planning, Geography, and Anthropology.
1990 The first Karl B. Lohmann Lecture is delivered.
1990 The Department collaborates with the School of Architecture and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning to form a cooperative engagement program, the East St. Louis Action Research Project (ESLARP), a project that continued for more than two decades, concluding in 2012.
1991 The first Alumni Lecture is delivered.
1992 The Visiting Practitioner Fund is initiated under the leadership of Scott Byron and Dick Brickman. Annual revenue from this endowment supports the hire of practitioners as visiting instructors in the Department.
1992 Debra L. Mitchell endows a professorial chair.
1995 The Department moves to Temple Hoyne Buell Hall, along with the Department of Urban & Regional Planning and part of the School of Architecture.
1995 Electronic studios are established.
1995 Stu Dawson provides an endowment to support educational activities of the junior class. Room 327 Temple Buell Hall is named the Dawson Studio in his honor.
1997 The Brenton and Jean Wadsworth Endowment is established to provide financial support for faculty research, scholarship, and creative activities that strive to demonstrate and/or substantiate the value of landscape and the work of landscape architects to society.
1997 The first Visiting Practitioner, Tom Oslund, teaches in the program, supported by the fund initiated in 1992.
1998 Three research facilities—the Geographic Modeling Systems Lab, the Land Resources Lab, and the East St. Louis Action Research Project—move to Noble Hall.
1998 The traveling exhibition “Eco-Revelatory Design: Nature Constructed/Nature Revealed” opens at the University of Illinois. A special issue of Landscape Journal serves as the catalog.

Global perspectives

Global perspective

Year Event
1999 The Natalie B. Alpert Prize in Landscape Architecture is established in memory of former faculty member Natalie Alpert (1903-1998). The award recognizes excellence in study of the history of landscape architecture, as demonstrated through research papers written for the course LA 314: History of World Landscapes.
1999 The Kluesing Fellowship is established in memory of Cherie Kluesing, a former graduate student and faculty member. The fellowship is intended to further her aspirations, namely the creative integration of fine arts in landscape design.
1999 The Floyd C. Tobrocke Endowment is established.
1999 A jointly administered Ph.D. program in Architecture and Landscape Architecture receives final approval.
2000 Gary Kesler is appointed Interim Department Head.
2001 The first Ph.D. student in Landscape Architecture, Rachel Leibowitz, is admitted.
2001 The first SmithGroup/JJR Lecture is delivered.
2001 The first of three faculty-student studios is conducted at the Champaner-Pavagadh historic site in India. Along with the subsequent studios, held in 2003 and 2005, this work leads first to a successful UNESCO World Heritage nomination (2004) and then to the establishment of a workable landscape management plan for Champaner-Pavagadh.
2002 James L. Wescoat is appointed Department Head.
2002 The Dan Ryan Prize is established in memory of BLA student Daniel J. Ryan by his classmates. This special recognition is awarded annually to an undergraduate in the first-year studio nominated by their peers based on exceptional ability in design and visual communications and demonstrated willingness to help fellow students.
2002 The Chalet Nursery Prize is established.
2002 The Bruce Borland Golf Course Design Scholarship is established to commemorate the life of Bruce Borland (BLA 1981) and to support the education of students interested in golf course architecture.
2002 The Department hosts the symposium “Landscape and Vision,” organized by Prof. Dianne Harris and Prof. D. Fairchild Ruggles.
2004 The Allerton Landscape Scholars program is established for student interns at Allerton Park.
2004 The Department hosts the symposium “Constructing Race: The Built Environment, Minoritization, and Racism in the United States,” organized by Prof. Dianne Harris.
2005 The George and Dorothy Fiel Fellowship is established to support student travel and research for study of historical and contemporary landscapes in the United States.
2005 MLA concentrations are organized to include History, Culture, and Heritage Design; Ecological Design; and Community-Based Urban Design.
2006 The undergraduate Business Specialization option and the Wadsworth Business Scholarships for Internship Support are established.
2006 The undergraduate Minor in Landscape Studies is approved.
2006 The Ph.D. concentration in Environment and Technology is established.
2006 The first JJR/Deb Mitchell Lecture is delivered.
2007 The professional internship requirement is approved.
2007 The Department's first Internship Fair—later renamed the Career and Networking Fair—is held in Chicago.
2007 The Charles W. Harris Endowment for Field Study is established by alumni from the Classes of 1957 and 1958.
2007 The graduate Minor in Cultural Heritage is approved.
2008 Landscape architect Peter Walker receives an honorary Doctor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Illinois.
2008 The first Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture at Illinois is awarded to Rachel Leibowitz.
2008 The Department celebrates its 100th anniversary in Fall 2008. As part of the celebration, the Windsor Road Design Charrette is held with team leaders from Conservation Design Forum, EDAW, JJR, MVVA, Olin, Oslund Associates, and Stoss.

Landscape values

Landscape values

Year Event
2008 M. Elen Deming is appointed Department Head.
2009 The Robert B. Riley MLA Student Recruitment Fund is established.
2011 The Brenton and Jean Wadsworth Undergraduate Recruitment Scholarship program is established.
2012 The Pauline Tilton Kennedy Prize for student research travel is established.
2012 The Department hosts the annual Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) Conference with the theme “Finding Center: Landscape Values.”
2013 The Visiting Designer-in-Residence program is launched with the inaugural position held by Jessica Henson.
2013 The Florence Bell Robinson Scholarship Fund is established with support from the Department’s Resource Committee, alumni, and friends.
2014 D. Fairchild Ruggles is appointed Interim Department Head.
2014 William C. Sullivan is appointed Department Head.
2015 The Department hosts the charrette “Points-Lines-Trains: Vision Strategies for Champaign’s Railway Corridor.”
2016 Anticipating the sesquicentennial celebration of the University of Illinois, the Department hosts the charrette “Imagining the Illinois Campus: 2017-2067.”
2017 As part of the sesquicentennial celebration of the University of Illinois, the Department hosts a university-wide, student Sesquicentennial Design Competition.
2018 The Debra L. Mitchell Chair in Landscape Architecture is inaugurated with its first recipient, D. Fairchild Ruggles.
2018 The Brenton H. and Jean B. Wadsworth Headship of the Department of Landscape Architecture in inaugurated with its first recipient, William C. Sullivan.
2018 The Alumni Medal is established as an annual award bestowed by the Department upon an alum whose lifetime achievements and contributions to the profession have had a unique and lasting impact on the welfare of the public, the environment, and the Department.
2018 The Department hosts the symposium “Fresh Water: Design Thinking for Inland Water Territories."
2019 D. Fairchild Ruggles is appointed Interim Department Head.
2019 The Department hosts the symposium “What is an Islamic Garden in the 21st century?,” organized by Prof. D. Fairchild Ruggles and Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture candidate Amir Habibullah.
2020 The Department hosts the symposium “Bio(graphical) Diversity.”

Grounded speculations and expanded opportunities

Grounded speculation and expanded opportunities

Year Event
2020 David L. Hays is appointed Brenton H. and Jean B. Wadsworth Head.
2020 The Master of Sustainable Urban Design (MSUD) program is launched.
2020 The inaugural Terry Harkness “Plants in Design” Lecture is delivered by Thomas Rainer, Principal of Phyto Studio.
2021 The Department hosts the symposium “Wild Zones: Designing for Urban Wildlife at the Intersection of Landscape Architecture, Biology, and Public Policy,” organized by Prof. Conor O’Shea.
2021 The Landscape Architecture Renaissance Scholarship is inaugurated. Recognizing the holistic value for students of participation in sports, music, and interdisciplinary study, it encourages ongoing engagement in those activities as a sustaining part of university student life.
2021 Funded through earlier and ongoing gifts, the inaugural North Shore Garden Club Landscape Architecture Scholarship, F. R. Vogelgesang Landscape Architecture Scholarship, and Florence Bell Robinson Scholarship are awarded.
2021 The Department’s first MSUD degree is awarded to Mengdi Chi.
2021 The "Projects in Practice" series of talks by alumni practitioners is launched.
2022 The Department hosts the charrette "Center Connect" with professional team leaders Jessica Henson (OLIN), H. Nyunny Kim (MVVA), and Mary Anne Ocampo (Sasaki Associates).
2022 The Department hosts the symposium “The Aesthetics of Infrastructure/The Infrastructure of Aesthetics,” organized by Prof. Pollyanna Rhee.
2022 The James Martin Family Scholarship in Landscape Architecture—to be awarded annually based on a student planting design competition—is established. The inaugural scholarship is awarded to BLA student Eduardo Rodriguez.
2022 The Sofia T. Soudavanh Garden is established. Conceived as a memorial to BLA student Sofia Soudavanh, the garden is a "living lab" for plant identification and planting design courses.
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