Bio of Ana Valderrama
Valderrama is an Architect (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina), Landscape Architect (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture candidate in the History/Theory track. Her dissertation explores correlations between de(s)colonial body-artefact assemblages,and socio-political dynamics in the peripheries of Latin American cities.
Valderrama is a Full Professor at Universidad Nacional de Rosario, where she she has also served as Associate Dean of the School of Architecture, Founder and Head of the Master of Landscape ARchitecture (MLA) Program, and Director of Innovation in Science and Technology. At the civic level, she has served as Head of Public Projects and Plans for the Planning Secretary of the City of Rosario. In 2001 she founded the group Matéricos Periféricos, a civil organization dedicated to spatial, environmental, and social equity of Latin American cities. She has been a visiting professor and lecturer in the US, Europe, and Latin America. She is also the author of several publications, including the books Poéticas Colectivas (Bismanediciones, 2019) and Matéricos Periféricos 15 “Diez Años del Taller Valderrama” (UNR Editora, 2021).
Valderrama has received more than 20 prizes, including the preselection to the 2022 Inclusion Award from the New York City Architecture Biennial and the BIAU 2022 Prize “Inhabiting the Margins.” She has also received numerous academic scholarships, grants, and fellowships, including a Fulbright Scholarship (2011-2013), Tinker Foundation Fellowships (2021 and 2023), and a Graham Foundation Grant (2022).